Where Are We picture book is one of the top best sellers to debut this year. This exciting imaginative, class field trip is full of mystery and adventure.
The theme of the book continues the saga of a young class that receives a new student from a distant land that no one has ever heard of. After accepting Gerri Giraffe from Fargone as a friend, the class is puzzled of how Gerri got to the NoWay jungle when there are no roads, trains, planes or boat facilities in the jungle. This is the opening of the book.
This motivational book for children is the third book in the Journey to Fargone™ Series. #1 Best-selling author, Dr. Qooz, champions our National Treasure, our Children’s Imagination.
This historical mystery incorporates time travel, encouragement, guidance and entertainment for the children and the parents. This children’s book of positive thinking for alert growing minds keeps you spellbound to the last word!
The author encourages young readers to open their minds to amazing possibilities which an avid imagination can generate.
In addition to the animated characters, vivid colors, humor, surprise and fun, there is a lesson to learn of how important active imagination plays in all the years to come for the child.
Dr. Qooz demonstrates everyone’s imagination can lead to resourcefulness and believability.
Dr. Qooz