Dr. Qooz Fargone LegacyToo Trademarks and Copyrights
Common Law Trademarks and Copyrights
This Notice of Common Law Trademarks and Copyrights (CLTMCR) (2018-2039) shall be considered sufficient public notice to all. This business is exercised by virtue of the right to livelihood and is conducted only within the organic boundaries of The County of Skagit, The State of Washington, The United States of America. We do not operate within any ‘legal fiction’ location or federal territory.All terms are defined within the context of Organic and Common Law.Common Law Trademarks and Copyrights (CLTMCR) (2018-2039), as herein referenced and written refers to the right of ownership by prior use as secured by Organic and Common Law. This includes www.drqooz.com™, Dr. Qooz™, Fargone™, Fargone Publishing Trust™, www.legacytoo.com™, LegacyToo™, Voicelette™ Legacy Voice Time Capsule™. This Public Notice has been given since on or about April, 2017 for claims on these names and websites and do not depend on legislative statute or “legal fiction” authority and claims.All actions by Fargone Publishing Trust, its ownership, management and employees are to be interpreted consistent with The Organic Laws of The United States of America and The Constitution of The State of Washington . All God-given Rights Are Reserved, Without Prejudice.